Thursday, June 14, 2007

Last day of school...

Today was the last day of school for our kids. Dominick did an egg drop, where they have to create something to hold a raw egg, then Val (the custodian) drops then from the roof of the school. Only 3 kids had theirs break. And Dominick was very happy that for the 2nd year in a row his made it safely.

Savannah had her 5th grade promotion and awards assembly today. She was chosen to read her essay about her times at Clover Ridge, and she received the President's Gold Outstanding Academic Achievment award (only 2 were given) and she also received 2 peer awards, Most Athletic and Best sense of humor. The did a great slide show of the kids, between it and the wonderful songs they sung, it brought many tears to my eyes. I can't believe how quickly they are growing up.

Principal handing promotion certificate

Chelsea, Kindsey, Savannah & Tori

1 comment:

Marlyn said...

Way to go Dominick and Savannah!!
Looks like you are on your way to an engineering degree Dominick, egg made it 2 yrs in a row.
Great job Savannah not only for the Achievement award but also the athletic and sence of humor...
We are very proud of you both.
Grandma & Grandpa