Thursday, May 31, 2007

5th grade escape

Tomorrow Savannah and all the other 5th graders from her school are going on the 5th grade graduation escape trip. They ride the bus to Portland, go to Oaks Park, then eat dinner then take the Amtrak train back home. We are to arrive back in Albany at 7:51pm. Huh....that means I will be with 50+ 5th graders for 11 hours, that is IF our train is on time. Which they never are.

Should be a fun day hopefully it is only in the high 80's like they are predicting, not 90's like they said earlier in the week.

I will post pictures when I get home.

Wish me luck!


Karen said...

You know...Target sells single serve wine in containers that look JUST LIKE juice boxes! Just a thought....

Patricia said...

NO way! I should of bought some! Too late now. I will update the blog soon, but I am just too tired right now :)

Patricia said...

NO way! I should of bought some! Too late now. I will update the blog soon, but I am just too tired right now :)