Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Outside/Inside Challenge

I scrapbooking friend of mine does weekely Blog challenges. This weeks is outside/inside. What does it look,sound,feel like outside and inside around you.
It is cool no, it is COLD out today. Out back it is foggy, but there is nothing to see but the swimming pool, so I didn't take a picture of it. The pictures is of our front entery area, the pong mostly. My flowers around out pond don't seem to realize it's fall. They are blooming pretty red blooms, and my gardina plant has two fresh blooms on it. Crazy!

Inside it is the usual. Kids, kids and more kids.
They are pretty good today. Only 2 time outs so far but then again it is only 11am, lunch is in 45 minutes, then nap at 1pm. I can't wait. I have laundry to do, need to pack for a crop on Friday night, and make dinner for Savannah's for when she is at gymanstics for 4 hours tonight. The house has candles lit, I love the smell, and since we dont have a fireplace, candles will have to do. My littlest girl, Meghan, has figured out how to jump up and down in the Exersaucer, and boy is it loud! Now it is mostly clean, need to sweep at nap time.

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