Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday Fill-In's

1. I feel excited, energized, happy, and loved!

2. Back to schoo time is always fun, NOT!

3. Right now, I can hear these things: the pond out front, and silence!

4. School starts in 4 days and I'm glad my daycar kids are going, but will miss my own kids a lot!

5. The last time I ate junk food was Monday, and that is a HUGE accomplishment for me!

6. Drive safe and sober this Labor day weekend.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to doing NOTHING, tomorrow my plans include well, we were going to the State Fair, but it is an 80% chance of rain, and I do not do the fair int the rain, then the kids and I are heading to Newport to stay the night, and Sunday, I want to SHOP at the outlet mall in Lincoln City (well I AM going to) with Mandy and all our kids!

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